Happy Summer! (update)

Image result for Happy summer image

This is an update letter from the previous post.

Dear Parents,

Although summer is upon us, please continue to work with your child on reading, writing and math skills. Students lose what they have learned during the school year over the summer so it is important to find the time to practice basic skills during the coming months to insure that this does not happen. I have compiled a list of websites that will help you do just that.

  • Phonic skills practice:






  • Reading skills practice






EPIC – parents may pay a minimal fee for thousands of online stories


              Tumblebooks (free online library: username – aiskuwait, password – books


  • Writing skills practice


At-Home Writing Journals – Have your child write at home for a few minutes each night. I am sending home their literacy and math journals. The journals are not complete and can therefore be used for at-home summer writing practice. Be sure that they remember the following: 1. Begin each sentence with a capital letter. 2. Put finger spaces between our words. 3. Put a period at the end of each sentence.

  • It can be just a plain notebook.
  • They can write about anything in English or Arabic.
  • They can write about things that happen at home.
  • The can write about what they saw, heard or felt on a trip or adventure.
  • The can write about write about personal feelings — pleasures as well as disappointments.

The most important thing is that they are WRITING!


  • Math skills practice





Note that these are computer websites that are fun and easy to use, but nothing beats good, old-fashioned paper books and notebooks in order to build your child’s reading and math skill base. I completely encourage this as well.

It has been truly a privilege being able to work with your child this year. Each of them are special in their own way. I am sure they will have great success in the coming years. Thank you for all of your support this year and have a great summer!

Warmest regards,

Ms. Kristina and Ms. Nourhan

Girgi’an dress (قرقيعان)


Good Morning KG and PreK families,




This year we are very fortunate to be able to experience the joys of Girgi’an  during our final week of school.  We would like to take the opportunity for our children to celebrate this beautiful Gulf tradition by allowing them to dress in traditional Girgi’an dress on Wednesday, June 7, 2017.  Students will dress in traditional attire and go door-to-door singing to receive a small book from neighboring classes.


If you would like to send in a small token for your child’s classmates, you are welcome to do so, but certainly not required.  We request that you send in nonfood items as students will not be eating treats at school.  This could be an eraser or pencil, preferably something educational.


For students who are celebrating birthdays during Ramadan, students are welcome to bring in a small treat to share with the class.  This should be prewrapped and ready to send home with the students.  Please understand that students will not be eating the treats in school. 


If you have any questions, please call the school at 1843247. 






Jean-Marie Kahn


Assistant Principal KG






Happy Summer!

Image result for Happy summer image

Dear Parents,

Please excuse my departure from this blog over the last few weeks. I have been dealing with some health issues and found it difficult to keep up. My apologies.  Even though the blog has not been complete we have continued to work diligently on the essential skills necessary for first grade, and we will continue to work hard up until the last day.

Although summer is upon us, please continue to work with your child on reading, writing and math skills. Students lose what they have learned during the school year over the summer. It is important to find the time to practice basic skills during the coming months to insure that this does not happen. I have compiled a list of websites that will help you do just that.

  • Phonic skills practice:






  • Reading skills practice







  • Writing skills practice


At-Home Writing Journals – Have your child write at home for a few minutes each night. Be sure that they remember the following: 1. Begin each sentence with a capital letter. 2. Put finger spaces between our words. 3. Put a period at the end of each sentence.

  • It can be just a plain notebook.
  • They can write about anything in English or Arabic.
  • They can write about things that happen at home.
  • The can write about what he saw, heard or felt on a trip or adventure.
  • The can write about write about personal feelings — pleasures as well as disappointments.

The most important thing is that they are WRITING!


  • Math skills practice





Note that these are computer websites that are fun and easy to use, but nothing beats good, old-fashioned paper books and notebooks in order to build your child’s reading and math skill base. I fully encourage this as well.

It has been truly a privilege being able to work with your child this year. Each of them are special in their own way. I am sure they will have great success in the coming years. Thank you for all of your support this year and have a great summer!

Warmest regards,

Ms. Kristina and Ms. Nourhan

Spring Show Update

Our Spring Show is Wednesday!

Here are a few reminders:

Spring Show Costumes


Hello KG2 Parents,

Traditionally in KG2, the students get to wear a special cape during the show to celebrate the end of Kindergarten.

This year we are making new embroidered capes that the students get to take home after the spring show.

We are asking students to bring in 6KWD to offset the cost of the capes and the decorations for the auditorium. Students should wear comfortable black or navy blue clothing underneath their costumes and capes. No other items need to be bought for the show.

Feel free to take your child home to celebrate their accomplishments after the show.

Thank you for your ongoing support for these fantastic students.

From the KG2 Team